A12 2-Wire Toxic Gas Transmitter
ATi’s A12 2-Wire UniSens Universal Toxic Gas Transmitter handles 28 different gases, providing an economical, reliable, accurate and flexible gas measurement system.
design, supply & install Fire Suppression system for Electrical Cabin at end-user in Vietnam.
JSG - Semi-automatic lubrication system for trucks
JSG present this proposal to supply & install semi-automatic grease lubrication system for Scania Tipper Truck P380.
JSG - Automatic lubrication system for trucks
JSG present this proposal to supply & install automatic grease lubrication system for Scania Tipper Truck P380.
ProCal Direct - Cloud-Based Calibration Management Software
Similar to Maximo (CMMS module) but much lower cost/ capital investment, ProcalV5 is more focused on Preventive maintenance (calibration and maintenance), reporting analytics, asset management and quality & compliance.
Class-leading gas monitoring solutions
ATi specialize in a wide range of gas monitoring solutions for markets such as power, water, healthcare, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, continuing to lead the way in the development of reliable, class-leading systems.